Reason #1: His Strength, My Weight
Swing Dancing
I am insecure about my weight and as a result, I hesitate when a man tries to dip me. He will tell me to trust him, and I always tell him that I do -- I know he is strong enough to hold me, to dip me, and to lift me back up. I am not doubting his strength. I am self-conscious of my weight. Therefore, I am really only doubting his estimation of my weight and his ability to handle it once he realizes how heavy I am to dip... As I say those words, I am dismayed to realize that I, in fact, do not trust him.
The Christian Life
I am plagued by my sin daily and as a result, I have a hard time accepting God's grace. He will tell me to trust Him, and I often tell Him that I do -- I know He is strong enough to hold me, to catch me and to lift me back up. I don't doubt God's strength; I don't doubt the reach of His hand to save me. But I am so very aware of the weight of my sin, the extremity and frequency of it. Therefore, I am really only doubting His estimation of my sin, His ability to see the depth and width of it, and His willingness to extend grace to me when He realizes how much I sin... Can you see how my insecurities and doubts are really my inability to trust God?
Reason #2: Loose Arms, Firm Hands
Swing Dancing
I don't know how to let a man lead me when we are dancing. He will tell me that my arms are too tense -- I need to "loosen up." So I hold out my arms like they are rubber. He does one spin, and my hands slip out of his. He will tell me, "Grasp my hands firmly." So I do. But then my arms become stiff again. "Loosen up!" How does one do both? For some reason, my body can't comprehend loose arms but firm hands.
The Christian Life
I don't know how to let God lead me out of addiction. He will tell me to rely on His strength -- I need to surrender to Him. So I stop trying to figure things out, I stop focusing so hard on not sinning, I stop worrying about it so much, and I start praying more. Temptation rears its ugly head again and again, and I sin over and over again. But it's okay, I reason -- I'm living by His grace and I'm praying. People will tell me, "Well, you can't just do nothing. Take steps to overcome your addiction." So I make plans, I make promises to not sin (which I break), I keep track of the last time I sinned, and I punish myself when I do sin. Temptation shows up again and again, and I sin over and over again. My hands have slipped out of His, and I've lost sight of His grace. How does one surrender to God without doing nothing but wait around for Him to change him or her?
So where's the balance in all of this? What does it look like to rely on God's strength -- to trust in His strength without letting my insecurity get in the way, and to utilize His strength without expecting Him to do everything for me? Edwin Crozier wrote two blogs that, in my opinion, really answer this question. Take the time to read them -- and don't roll your eyes and say that you already do everything he's saying and it isn't working for you. Ask God to open your heart and show you how to rely on His strength, even if it's just one small step you could take right now.
5 Ways to Rely on God's Strength to Beat Your Giants
5 More Ways to Rely on God's Strength to Beat Your Giants
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