Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Flash Mobs and Bad Attitudes

Disclaimer: This is not meant to offend anyone who planned or participated in the "Amazing Grace" flash mob today. I completely respect everyone involved and the hearts and intentions behind the event.

Today I participated in an "Amazing Grace" flash mob on the plaza. The only thing is that it wasn't really a flash mob. By definition (well, at least according to Wikipedia), people in a flash mob are supposed to suddenly appear, perform and then disperse. But this flash mob did just the opposite: a group of people assembled in a circle at the beginning, then kind of dispersed for the performance, and then came back together in a circle.

I had my share of laughs with a couple friends because we felt a little ridiculous as we sang with printed-out lyrics next to the rest of the group. And really, it only felt ridiculous because I came into it with this "flash mob" mentality since that's what it was called on Facebook. I would say the "flash mob" achieved it's purpose -- a group of believers assembled on the plaza and sang "Amazing Grace" for passers-by to hear, it was kind of fun, it led to fellowship with friends afterward, and I'm sure some people who witnessed the "flash mob" discussed it among friends. Let's just not call it a flash mob, because that's not what I think it was.

All that said, I regret this attitude. Because I got so caught up in the "This isn't a flash mob!" mentality and worrying so much that people would think we failed once again at trying to "Christianize" something (that's it's own can of worms) that I sang along with the rest of the crowd and didn't pay attention to a word I said. And as a result, I missed out on the real reason for the "flash mob": showing love for my King.

To end on a positive note, here's an "Amazing Grace" flash mob done at Walmart that I found on YouTube. Very touching.

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