Saturday, February 4, 2012

Perseverance is Not Independent of Abiding in God

I was looking through my old Facebook notes, and I stumbled upon this one:

I was a relatively wise kid when I wrote this. Or maybe things were just going my way.

It's strange to think of where I am now, a little more than three years later. Lately, I've been tired, and wondering when that day will come when I finally rest in the arms of my Father and hear Him say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant." Part of me just wants to give up, to be done. 

So now, am I really living? Or am I just trying to get through?

It's unfortunate that in the midst of all my joy of the present and excitement for the future, that joy and excitement can be overwhelmed by the insecurities of today and the fears of tomorrow.

Three years ago I thought I would know where I'd be headed by now. But I am only more uncertain about the future now that my last graduation is approaching in a little more than three months. And that is okay. It's alright to not know. It's alright to feel weak.

God has given me much peace through this simple verse:

"There you saw how the LORD your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place." (Deuteronomy 1:31)

He is carrying me, and He is carrying you -- the whole way, until we've reached our place of rest.

I found this blog as I sat down to write this, and it also gave me peace in such a simple way. Through everything Tiffany has to say to the college graduate, there is one consistent theme, one thing that remains the same: Abiding in God.

When we are told to persevere, to press on, we aren't told to go it alone. In fact, I think a part of perseverance is forcing ourselves to stay in God's arms, no matter how restless we get. So if you want to know what perseverance looks like:

Let Him carry you.

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